Share Your Story!
Each and every one of us has a story. All of us have faced challenges that we know for sure only God could help us through.
In Revelations 11:12 it states that "we overcome by the sharing of our testimonies".
You see our stories and the things that God has brought us through are not meant to be kept to ourselves. When we share our story, we free ourselves, we heal and we allow others to free themselves and heal.
The trials and challenges that we face in life prepare us for what God has in store for us. Pain truly does have purpose even though at times it is hard for us to understand it. The things that I have been through in life led me to becoming a Blogger, an Anti- Domestic Violence Advocate, a Podcast host and a Christian Life coach.
Your story right now at this moment could be a blessing to someone. Don't be ashamed of anything that you have gone through. Use the contact form to your share your story.